Saturday, 31 March 2007

Making postcards

Made a new set of postcards today. In Dia, made a background layer with the print markings, and then one layer for each side. Exported them by hand to EPS (could have been done on the command line, but there were few enough I didn't bother). Concatenated all the EPS files and ran epstopdf on the result. Sent the PDF off to - 378 for 50 of each of two postcards. Would have liked 100 of each, but that woulda been over 600, more than I'm willing to plonk down right now. If nobody bites on the first 50 postcards at all, then I guess the company sales idea is a flop, if somebody does bite I'll get money to get more.
I was 'official photographer' in Pisa for the PLANETS all-staff meeting. Took a bunch of pictures that I've hardly looked at yet, but in particular I took a group shot and mugshots of all the subproject leaders.

Found a reasonable light (between two lighted columns) for mugshots. Not quite enough room to get them back so light was on the fact rather than sideways. Took about 10 pics of each, which was good, since many were not very good. Getting light, focus, expression and composition right is not easy. Used the 50mm at f/2.8 ISO ... 400?

Group shot was reasonable. In the shade, camera on a table. Tried a panorama, but it got spoiled by not being carefully rotated.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Left work at 16:15. Sun down at 16:35. Went down to get fish. The container area is interesting, but full of trucks. Clouds behind KFK and Domkirken were interesting, took a few snaps. Also some snaps of wavy water to test long exposure and water reflections. Tried some railroad tracks on the way back.

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