Tuesday 1 April 2008

FooPhoMo is ended!

At the beginning of March, quaryn_dk suggested that I try my new macro lens by taking exactly one picture a day of food. Having done so (outside of travelling and stuff), here are the results - in black & white for reasons of learning about that. Comments and favorites are welcome.

Soup bubbles



Bananas II

Bananas I


Purple potatoes

Roasted pepper


Fried egg

Bread slice


  1. Whoa. Coolness! Good use of b&w photography. I like the two shots of the banana stems, particularly the second one (though I think it works best after having seen the first, rather than having encountered it on its own), and the fork-in-soft-egg one has an excellent, bold contrast between metallic utensil and fried poultry ovulation. It's almost like the fork is holding the fried egg on the wall...

  2. Thank you! It's my first foray into b&w for real, so I'm glad you like it. It was also quite the learning experience, as I had to get the shot *just* right the first time, meaning I actually had to think first. Gasp!
    I was fascinated by the bananas, but slightly dissatisfied with the focus on the first (white bg) one, so I redid it the day after (with one banana eaten:), only to focus manually and throw the focus even worse off. It will possibly work in up to 20x30 cm, maybe.
